Support the Sumner Public Library by donating to the

Sumner Public Library Foundation (SPLF)

Your gift to the library through the Sumner Public Library Foundation means the difference between good libraries and great libraries.

Mission of the Foundation:

The primary purpose of the Sumner Public Library Foundation is to receive and maintain funds, gifts, and bequests to be used to supplement, strengthen and enrich the facilities, services and collections of the Sumner Public Library.

Additional Sumner Public Library Foundation information:


Contributions may be directed to the Sumner Public Library Foundation as:

  • Cash gifts
  • Multi-year pledges
  • Stocks of property
  • Life insurance and Annuities
  • Trust and Bequests
  • Memorial Gifts


Foundation Giving Tree:

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 Copper  $500-999
 Silver  $1,000-4,999
 Gold  $5,000-9,999

 Donations of 10,000 or more will result in a special board meeting to determine an additional shape to place around the outside of the tree.

Donations can be made in the form of a check made out to the Sumner Public Library Foundation, cash, or through the online GiveButter account below.


Donate below:


Board of Trustees:

Debbie Salsbury- President

Emily Smith- Vice-President

Beth Becker- Treasurer

George Fisher- Secretary

Mary Wells- Community member

Sophia Marvets- Library Director